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This survey is part of a project looking at who is using their right to inspect local government accounts under the Audit Act 2014 in England and equivalent regulations across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We want to know more about who is using this right, what they are using it for and how this could impact on local bodies. 

The project is being overseen by Dr. Ben Worthy, an academic at Birkbeck College. Please ask him any questions on 

The survey should take around 5-10 minutes to complete. Please tell us as much as you can and use the boxes to explain or add detail. 

Your personal data 

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with Birkbeck’s Research privacy notice, which can be found here. You can contact Birkbeck’s Data Protection Officer with any questions you may have at


1.1. Have you used your right to inspect a local bodies accounts?
2.2. How often have you searched for or inspected local financial accounts? [tick the closest that apply or tick 'other' and explain further in the box below]
3.3. In what capacity did you look for it? [explain more in the box below]
5.5. Aside from the inspection of accounts, have you used any other tools? (tick all that apply and explain below)